Les Paul Epiphone Standard Reviews 5

I am 13 and i just started to play guiatar and loved it right away. I had heard about Les Pauls and how great they are. So, instead of going for a very expensive Gibson, i went for a less expensive Epiphone Standard. I payed about $545 at Guitar Center.

This guitar is worth every penny! its amazing looks such as the beautiful cherry-red wood color is just perfect. Its sound is outstanding, too. Its got a nice deep full tone.

The only thing I dont like is thats its hard to rock out loud and still keep the smugges off the glossy finish! :)

The overall construction is sturdy and very well made.

In conclusion, this guitar is a must buy for anyopne who wants almost gibson sound for much less. Enjoy!

Adam H. rated this unit 5 on 2004-05-11.

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